Current Opinions of Joel Berendzen

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Bioinformatics and Bioinformaticians

Data analysis, on a good day, is a creative process, especially in the questions one poses of the data. A good hypothesis starts from consideration of what a plausible mechanism might be, and the most essential discriminatory element is not what numerical technique one uses but rather the tingle one gets at the top of one’s spine when one gets to see clearly into a new view of nature. Among quantitative types, bioinformaticians frequently have a reputation for intellectual shabbiness, a reputation that is only partly deserved. One reason is that it’s a long reach to connect sequence to physical or chemical insight. Another reason is that sequencing has historically suffered from some pernicious correlated errors buried fairly deep in the technologies, and the error modes of a given generation of sequencing technology only get fully appreciated once the next generation of sequencing is out. But the biggest reason that bioinformatics gets disparaged is the tendency of bioinformaticians to view a small number of software packages as the only tools worth using. If your toolbox only contains hammers, then every problem looks like a nail.

BLAST and Assembly are Usually the Wrong Approach

Let me admit that BLAST is software that implements a wide variety of algorithms, and that it can be configured to implement a lot of different analysis strategies. But the way that most bioinformaticians use BLAST is to calculate sequence similarities. As a structural biologist, my view is that sequence similarity is a bankrupt concept (as contrasted with sequence identity, which is the basis of phylogeny). While the similarity matrices did describe the substitutions seen once in a set of protein sequences, that was back in the day when protein sequences were published semi-annually on dead trees, and those sequences were not representative of anything other than what was easy to purify and align at the time. If a part of the sequence is part of a catalytic site, the quantum-mechanical demands of crossing a barrier are an accuracy of something like 0.01 nm or less, and either the the correct residue to carry out the reaction is there where it needs to be or the reaction doesn’t proceed. To put it another way, there is an enormous range of functional pressures and mutation acceptance rates over a given sequence, and in some places it’s “touch this and you die”, while in others it’s “if it still folds, it works”. Those pressures aren’t even entirely in peptide space, because sequences have to be packaged and expressed, creating functional pressures lurking in nucleic-acid space. RNA-world structures live in an entirely different physical space with a different grammar that characterizes stem/loop likelihoods. Our models of RNA world aren’t very good just yet, and even if they were, they aren’t incorporated into BLAST. Yet many bioinformaticians create a kind of religion around E-values, when the significance of a given E value depend heavily on the functional pressures and phylogenetic distances of the pair of sequences being aligned.

Another nasty issue that codes for alignment and assembly have to deal with is that some regions of sequence are low-complexity. In protein space, these may appear as near-repeats like the piratical-sounding ...ARARARRAARRARAR.... Some repeats and near-repeats are unusually stable as nucleic acids due to unusual hydrogen-bonding properties, and may signal special RNA-world handling. Non-coding regions are also noticably lower-complexity than coding regions, yet a given protein sequence may have have evolved by incorporating adjacent non-coding regions into the coding sequence, leaving behind islands of low-complexity sequence. The fraction of peptide sequence that is clearly low-complexity is small, less than one part per thousand, but these slighly-rare low-complexity regions can dominate matches, especially at medium to large phylogenetic distances. This may not seem like a problem for studies involving a single organism such as humans, but every eukaryote contains homologous sequences at large phylogenetic distances, either in the organelles, in nuclear sequences transferred from the organelles, or sequence horizontally transferred by mechanisms such as retrotransposons. Local-alignment and assembly codes therefore include code to recognize these low-complexity regions and exclude them from matching. But these complexity-masking codes, such as SEG and DUST, aren’t perfect. They are entropy-based (meaning they only consider character frequency, not order), they contain a number of tunable parameters that were tuned for a problem different than yours, and most users rarely think to adjust them. Complexity masking is an empirical algorithm that was tested and tuned on a tiny fraction of the universe of sequences. There are no trivial changes to empirical algorithms.

Finally, a lot of researchers think that the optimal route for analyzing sequence runs through genome assembly. That point of view is hard to argue with if one starts with a clonal collection of nucleic acids and if the final product is a genomic assembly. In those circumstances, assembly does a lot of error-correction and data-reduction steps that are valuable for many uses. But when the desired output is fundamentally counts of signatures and the input is not necessarily clonal, then assembly is terrible for counting because it is non-linear. The chances of finding two pieces of sequence that overlap isn’t linear, so the count data that you are seeking gets put through a non-linear filter that depends on distributions of other biota, their genome sizes, their distribution of complexity-masked regions, as well as the usual non-linearity of any amplification steps.

Dimensionality, Machine Learning, and Underspecification

Every base in a biological sequence is another lever that can be potentially tweaked as part of adaptation. Even if we restrict our view to only peptide sequences, evolution occurs in a million-dimensional space. A high fraction of proteins interact other proteins in three-dimensional assemblies in the cellular milieu, and epistasis is a sizeable effect, which means that those million degrees of freedom interact with each other in non-trivial ways across genes. The number of interacting residues goes into the exponent and quickly contributes to a combinatorial explosion. No matter what bioinformatic problem you’re working on, dimensionality reduction is an imperative.

Machine learning is doing some remarkable things, including making big progress on solving the 50-year-old Grand Challenge of the Protein Folding Problem. But no software can overcome the mathematical limitations that underpin a problem. Recent work by the Google Team has illuminated the issue of underspecification, which seems to impact a wide variety of ML applications, including genomic ones. Briefly put, most ML models have a large number of underlying parameters, and if there are multiple ways that different combinations of parameter values can achieve a good fit to the training data, which combination ends up in the ML classifier is a determined by unimportant things like selection bias and noise. ML models that do an excellent job of classifying the test data can fail miserably when real-world data is put into them.

What underspecification means for practitioners of ML-based bioinformatics is still being worked out, but two principles have emerged already. The first principle is that ML models need a connection to causal models if they are to be trustworthy. Sensitivity analysis is one route to mining ML models for the inputs to which they are most sensitive. The other principle is that spanning the range of possible inputs on the training and test data is key to getting credible and reliable results. For RNA-Seq data, for instance, a spanning set might by obtained by pushing the system by varying the metabolic, signalling, and regulatory-gene possibilies and ensuring that the reduced-dimension basis vectors are stable with respect to partitioning between training and test data. There is no substitute for having enough independent data sets that span the input space.

Resist Joining a Priest Caste

I have noticed that in some laboratories, bioinformaticians play a role akin to that of goalies in hockey, a member of the team that isn’t really in the team. The worst case is in groups where the bioinformatician is considered a rare find because she is capable of doing work that nobody else can do. So as a very junior member of the team, while still forming her own skills, she gets called in to participate in every other project that depends heavily on analytical skills to complete. In some cases, the PI may insist on a particular trusted method (like assembly) gets employed even if it isn’t a good match. Sometimes the bioinformatician pulls out an analysis and looks like a hero just by dint of mere competence. In a few cases, the experimental design was flawed from the outset, and the best that your in-group Nerd can do is to administer last rites.

Stopping this pattern of bad behaviors all around requires a bit of commitment from everyone. If you’re a PI, you should recognize that it’s way better to pull in a collaborator with statistical savvy at the experimental design stage than to hire a grad student to do salvage analysis at the end. That collaborator will have the guts to insist that you need to do the right thing and pay for three replicates once you find an effect rather than spending the effort on surveying three times as much new terrain. If you’re a student with a desire to do biology as a career, you need to realize that programming is as essential as basic literacy to anyone who has to analyze data. You don’t have to become a software author as a career, but everyone needs to be able to write a simple script for the same reasons that everyone needs to be able to write an abstract paragraph for publication. If you pride yourself as a career data analyst, as I do, then you need to mentor other team members with kindness and generosity, inquiring about their needs and listening to their complaints. Something is wrong with a person if they don’t have the desire to throw every computer in their lives out the window now and then. Science consists of many many hours of grunt work that enable a few moments of insight, moments too rewarding for just one member of the team to hog to himself.